Natural Beginning

Birthing Center in Austin

A birthing center like Natural Beginning Birth Center in Austin, TX is a home-like facility for natural birth. Birth centers provide family-centered care to new mothers, meaning that the mother’s family and midwives work hand in hand. At our birth center, midwives trust that birth is a natural process and they support women to trust that their bodies know what to do. For women with a low risk pregnancy or who desire a more natural birth experience, a birth center might be a good option. It is always best to research the birthing centers near you to find one that best suits your needs. If you are one of the many women weighing the advantages and disadvantages of a home birth, a birthing center can be a good alternative.

Phone: (512) 425-3825
Website: Link
Location: 12221 Renfert Way #330 Austin, TX 78758

Services: Preconception, Prenatal Care, Ultrasound, Birth Plan Guide, Natural Birth, Water Birth, Newborn Care, Natural Recovery, Breastfeeding Support, Well Woman Care, Midwife



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