Curing Anemia with Juicing

One of the absolute best ways to cure anemia during pregnancy is with jucing. Curing iron anemia in pregnancy with fresh vegetable juice is an ultra healthy way to address a common pregnancy problem. Juicing will give you amazingly fast results! Juicing works quick and is a great way to get needed pure, natural, raw … Read more

Breastfeeding – The ultimate Immunization

According to the Iowa Extension Service, every teaspoon of breastmilk has 3,000,000 germ killing cells in it; so if a baby gets even one teaspoon a day, it is very valuable! (see articles below) Mother’s milk is truly an incredible provision that God designed. I am amazed at its wonders–as they are too numerous to … Read more

What Is A Birthing Center?

Why It Is A Great Alternative To Hospital Birth and Home Birth Birth centers, as indicated in the name, are places where healthy, low risk mothers can birth their babies naturally in very relaxed, peaceful and intimate atmospheres. When you give birth in a birthing center, you will be admitted to a nice comfy room … Read more

Discover How to Induce Labor Effectively and Naturally

There are many ways to induce labor you can try at home. However, the main problem in naturally inducing labor at home is that all of the techniques to induce labor at home rely on labor induction methods which do not consistently work across the board. This means that although these techniques have been successfully … Read more

Benefits of Midwifery Care

Excellent Outcomes for Women and Infants Nurse Midwifery care results in a lower cesarean section rate and equal to or better outcomes for women when compared to physician care, while using fewer interventions. (University of Washington) Numerous studies evaluating the outcomes of care provided by CNMs have uniformly concluded that CNM care results in outcomes … Read more

Choosing The Right Obstetrician For Natural Childbirth

If you want to have a natural childbirth at a hospital, finding the right obstetrician is crucial since he/she can make or break your natural birth experience. Why ? Because obstetricians are not created the same. Most only give a lip service in regards of natural birth. Some even regard that any vaginal birth or … Read more

Natural Pregnancy and Natural Childbirth Recommended Book List

The best way to prepare for natural childbirth is to read a lot about natural childbirth. Check your library for natural childbirth books. You could print out this list of books and take it to your library. You can also order these books online through the links provided below. Ebay and are other resources … Read more

Who Can Homebirth

Natural Birth at Home — Who Can and Who Can’t Have It When I told people that I had a natural birth at home with all my children (three, so far), they thought that I was brave to do that. Yes, the thought of giving birth at home can make most women giddy. “I would … Read more

Why Natural Birth?

Natural Birth ~ Is It Worth It Although women throughout the centuries had undergone natural birth, in this day and age, natural childbirth, or sometimes also called un-medicated birth, seems to be a radical concept. This kind of attitude is not surprising, since today’s technology allows women to get a ‘break’ from the labor pain. … Read more